Professional Tile and Grout Cleaning sees 3 Different Reasons why people clean! Many people discover that their floors are filthy, there feet and socks are black every other step, and nothing can get there floors any cleaner then what they tried! These people fall under "certain categories" that I discovered over a ten year period.
Homeowners (Actual owner's of home's)
People whom made an investment in there home, have hard surfaces typically in a good portion of there home, initially made the investment due to the abuse tile can take verses any other product. Can tell us exactly what chemicals they are/were using and know where every problem is. Not aware of the consequences of how long it will look "like new", not realizing how fast there floors get filthy, and not knowing what chemicals to clean with. These people are the most fussy, and typically require annual maintenance from Las Vegas Tile and Grout Cleaning. They are tired of looking at there floors looking "ugly". Why: family, pets, parties, friends, everyday traffic.
Renters (Lessee or for profit owner)
These are people whom are moving into a home with filthy floors, or people (Lessors) renting an existing home, and investment property, to people borrowing there home on a monthly/annual basis. Even with down payments and deposits, it's hard to regulate regular activity in that home pending on family size or traffic. These incoming "renters" want clean floors period. Keep in mind the health aspect. Las Vegas Tile and Grout Cleaning runs into people housing exotic animals, 20 people in a 3 bedroom house, dog and cat urine + poop everywhere, and more...A simple house cleaning cannot do the job...The grout originally was neutral, now noticeably black! This category is the filthiest of all. Renters really have no stake in the property, they will keep your tile and grout as clean as there lifestyle permits. Prepare for the incoming to want there floors immaculate as possible, and when they leave prepare for professional tile and grout cleaning service!
Bank-Owned/Foreclosures (A Las Vegas Thing)
People are buying these homes mostly as primary residences, they notice filthy floors and call Las Vegas Tile and Grout Cleaning either for advice or to clean and seal there new incoming property. There results typically are 85-95% better than it currently looks. Some of these homes are being bought sight unseen, and not sure of the under lying conditions that exist. Typically in Las Vegas, NV, there was a GOOD family living there before and conditions are not critical...At times however, these homes were abused and/or resulting in permanent grout damage or discoloring/embedding (non-reversible). There are remedies to these rare issues, and Las Vegas Tile and Grout Cleaning advice is the best in the business. We see these issues everyday, as well as recommending a clean and seal first before any drastic measures are taken.
Most clients whom utilize Las Vegas Tile and Grout Cleaning are overwhelmed with results, however keep in mind this is not a miracle service, nor is this a disappointment. Las Vegas Tile and Grout Cleaning uses a very effective and efficient operation that includes high powered machinery, physical strength, knowledge and safety, as well as past experience on getting your floors to it's cleanest and original state. Las Vegas Tile and Grout Cleaning take's our job seriously to be all we can be. Especially as an owner/operator at every job, what more can you ask for? Look forward in seeing you and your projects as they arise!
Visit http://www.lasvegastileandgroutcleaning.com TODAY! Call for appointment! Now!