Color Seal Grout? Which Color Sealer? Really? Are you sure? These are the exact questions I get everyday while out on the job. I see 8-10 tile cleaning and sealing jobs here in Las Vegas, NV and must report to you color sealer for your grout may sound like a good idea, however, most don't realize there floors
will come clean without having to color seal at all! Do you have any idea how many
color sealer products are on the market? Some look like they work, some don't. Some claim after applying your grout will "never get dirty again". If your grout is damaged, discolored (after being cleaned), breaking up, retired, etc...A tear out (especially) in smaller areas is your best suggestion. In larger areas, a complete evaluation from a "Tile Cleaning Professional" would be your first step. Whether your tiled floors are on a concrete slab or wood sub-floors eventually you will have issues with cracking, discoloring, and more!
Discoloring is the big one! Simple Cure = Wear socks (no bare feet and shoes) Stay away from all chemicals, Clorox, vinegars, acids, etc.! Try to use
Neutral Cleaners only!
Color Sealer is used primarily for "accent" areas, lightly traveled areas, hard to reach areas, or as a solution to a construction mess. If color sealer is used, or you bought a home with color sealer already applied, plan on touching up areas as well as, having your floors cleaned to see if all can be uplifted...Usually most will be uplifted. Color seal company's blame tile cleaning company's for problems...People's grout will get dirty again no matter what!
My goal as an owner-operator here in Las Vegas is to make you happy, applying this "color-sealer" in almost every situation is not a great idea! If your project can be reached with an effective and efficient cleaning method (machinery) Tile and Grout Cleaning is always your first choice! If you live in New York city on the 56th floor @ 71st and third, what choices will you have? In Las Vegas it's clear! Visit me @ TODAY! I'd love to earn your business respectfully!